!nstinct Marketing : Search Engine Optimization
The heart of Instinct Marketing's technology is SearchWisdom, our adaptive marketing engine. SearchWisdom centrally manages and optimizes all of your internet search engine keyword campaigns.
At Instinct Marketing we first consider the search behavior of your target audience when developing or altering your web site content, as well as Meta data, because the more relevant your site’s content is to a specific query, the higher it will rank. |
Integrated Campaign Management
Google, Yahoo, MSN and other large search engines let you run and manage individual search advertising campaigns. Affiliate networks also drive critical online sales, yet come with their own management systems as well. As your internet marketing campaign grows in size and sophistication, the management of the sub-campaigns becomes a serious organizational challenge. SearchWisdom's integrated system lets you manage and optimize all your campaigns together.
Continuous Search Engine and Affiliate Optimization
SearchWisdom continuously calculates daily returns for your advertising dollars across
thousands of keywords, affiliate web sites and customer lead pages.
- TEST - Most systems stop at A/B testing. SearchWisdom provides an integrated ad-test module so you can test thousands of ads at once and quickly learn what messages sell and how they sell best.
- MEASURE - SearchWisdom intelligently tracks the value of incoming customer leads through final sale to define precisely return-on-adspend in all campaigns
- REFINE - SearchWisdom's feedback-driven continuous-improvement algorithms progressively direct advertising dollars to the channels which convert best.